Select branches in a tree meeting the specified criteria in terms of number of leaves and the count proportion. Note that only internal branch nodes are considered - no individual leaves will be returned.
pr = NULL,
obj = NULL,
assay = 1,
data = NULL,
tree = NULL,
minTip = 0,
maxTip = Inf,
minPr = 0,
maxPr = 1,
skip = NULL,
all = FALSE
- pr
A named numeric vector to provide proportions of entities. If this is provided,
will be ignored.- obj
object. Only used ifpr
.- assay
The index or name of the assay of
to use for estimating node count proportions. Only used ifobj
is notNULL
.- data
Either a count table with entities in rows and samples in columns, or a list with
estimates (the output ofparEstimate
). Only used ifpr
.- tree
object. Ifobj
is used as input, the tree will be extracted from therowTree
.- minTip
the minimum number of leaves in the selected branch.
- maxTip
The maximum number of leaves in the selected branch.
- minPr
The minimum count proportion of the selected branch in a sample. A value between 0 and 1.
- maxPr
The maximum count proportion of the selected branch in a sample. A value between 0 and 1.
- skip
A character vector of node labels. These nodes can not be descendants or the ancestors of the selected branch.
- all
A logical scalar. If
(default), the branch node of a single branch, which meets the requirements and has the minimum count proportion of branches meeting the requirements, is returned; otherwise branch nodes of all branches meeting the requirements are returned.
## Generate example data
toyTable <- matrix(rnbinom(40, size = 1, mu = 10), nrow = 10)
colnames(toyTable) <- paste(rep(LETTERS[seq_len(2)], each = 2),
rep(seq_len(2), 2), sep = "_")
rownames(toyTable) <- tinyTree$tip.label
## Estimate entity proportions from count matrix under a Dirichlet
## Multinomial framework, and use this as the input for selNode
dat <- parEstimate(obj = toyTable)
#> Iteration 1: Log-likelihood value: -633.210632859034
#> Iteration 2: Log-likelihood value: -631.489192200762
#> Iteration 3: Log-likelihood value: -631.155358434505
#> Iteration 4: Log-likelihood value: -631.132407245137
#> Iteration 5: Log-likelihood value: -631.132252461193
#> Iteration 6: Log-likelihood value: -631.132252452366
selNode(tree = tinyTree, data = dat, all = TRUE)
#> nodeNum nodeLab proportion numTip
#> alias_11 11 Node_11 1.0000000 10
#> alias_12 12 Node_12 0.8644560 9
#> alias_13 13 Node_13 0.2148379 3
#> alias_14 14 Node_14 0.1488320 2
#> alias_15 15 Node_15 0.6496181 6
#> alias_16 16 Node_16 0.5177530 5
#> alias_17 17 Node_17 0.3484034 3
#> alias_18 18 Node_18 0.1716573 2
#> alias_19 19 Node_19 0.1693496 2
selNode(tree = tinyTree, data = dat,
minTip = 4, maxTip = 9, minPr = 0, maxPr = 0.8, all = TRUE)
#> nodeNum nodeLab proportion numTip
#> alias_15 15 Node_15 0.6496181 6
#> alias_16 16 Node_16 0.5177530 5
## Alternatively, directly provide the proportions vector
selNode(tree = tinyTree, pr = dat$pi, all = TRUE)
#> nodeNum nodeLab proportion numTip
#> alias_11 11 Node_11 1.0000000 10
#> alias_12 12 Node_12 0.8644560 9
#> alias_13 13 Node_13 0.2148379 3
#> alias_14 14 Node_14 0.1488320 2
#> alias_15 15 Node_15 0.6496181 6
#> alias_16 16 Node_16 0.5177530 5
#> alias_17 17 Node_17 0.3484034 3
#> alias_18 18 Node_18 0.1716573 2
#> alias_19 19 Node_19 0.1693496 2
## Return only branch with lowest proportion among valid ones
selNode(tree = tinyTree, pr = dat$pi, all = FALSE)
#> nodeNum nodeLab proportion numTip
#> alias_14 14 Node_14 0.148832 2
## Start instead from a TreeSummarizedExperiment object
lse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment(rowTree = tinyTree,
assays = list(counts = toyTable))
selNode(obj = lse, assay = "counts", all = TRUE)
#> Iteration 1: Log-likelihood value: -633.210632859034
#> Iteration 2: Log-likelihood value: -631.489192200762
#> Iteration 3: Log-likelihood value: -631.155358434505
#> Iteration 4: Log-likelihood value: -631.132407245137
#> Iteration 5: Log-likelihood value: -631.132252461193
#> Iteration 6: Log-likelihood value: -631.132252452366
#> nodeNum nodeLab proportion numTip
#> alias_11 11 Node_11 1.0000000 10
#> alias_12 12 Node_12 0.8644560 9
#> alias_13 13 Node_13 0.2148379 3
#> alias_14 14 Node_14 0.1488320 2
#> alias_15 15 Node_15 0.6496181 6
#> alias_16 16 Node_16 0.5177530 5
#> alias_17 17 Node_17 0.3484034 3
#> alias_18 18 Node_18 0.1716573 2
#> alias_19 19 Node_19 0.1693496 2
## Don't allow node 1 to be included
selNode(obj = lse, assay = "counts", skip = 1, all = TRUE)
#> Iteration 1: Log-likelihood value: -633.210632859034
#> Iteration 2: Log-likelihood value: -631.489192200762
#> Iteration 3: Log-likelihood value: -631.155358434505
#> Iteration 4: Log-likelihood value: -631.132407245137
#> Iteration 5: Log-likelihood value: -631.132252461193
#> Iteration 6: Log-likelihood value: -631.132252452366
#> nodeNum nodeLab proportion numTip
#> alias_14 14 Node_14 0.1488320 2
#> alias_15 15 Node_15 0.6496181 6
#> alias_16 16 Node_16 0.5177530 5
#> alias_17 17 Node_17 0.3484034 3
#> alias_18 18 Node_18 0.1716573 2
#> alias_19 19 Node_19 0.1693496 2