Simulate a data set with different abundance patterns for entities under different conditions. These entities have their corresponding nodes on a tree.
tree = NULL,
data = NULL,
obj = NULL,
assay = NULL,
scenario = "BS",
from.A = NULL,
from.B = NULL,
minTip.A = 0,
maxTip.A = Inf,
minTip.B = 0,
maxTip.B = Inf,
minPr.A = 0,
maxPr.A = 1,
ratio = 4,
adjB = NULL,
pct = 0.6,
nSam = c(50, 50),
mu = 10000,
size = NULL,
n = 1,
FUN = sum,
message = FALSE
- tree
object. Only used whenobj
.- data
A count matrix with entities corresponding to tree leaves in the rows and samples in the columns. Only used when
.- obj
object with observed data to use as the input for the simulation. IfNULL
and \tree
must be provided instead.- assay
is notNULL
, a numeric index or character scalar indicating which assay of the object to use as the basis for simulation. Ifassay
, the first assay in the object is used.- scenario
The simulation scenario, either “BS”, “US”, or “SS” (see Details).
- from.A, from.B
The branch node labels of branches A and B for which the signal will be swapped. By default, both are
, in which case they will be chosen based on the restrictions provided (minTip.A
). Note: Iffrom.A
is also set toNULL
.- minTip.A
The minimum number of leaves allowed in branch A.
- maxTip.A
The maximum number of leaves allowed in branch A.
- minTip.B
The minimum number of leaves allowed in branch B.
- maxTip.B
The maximum number of leaves allowed in branch B.
- minPr.A
A numeric value in [0, 1]. The minimum abundance proportion of leaves in branch A.
- maxPr.A
A numeric value in [0, 1]. The maximum abundance proportion of leaves in branch A.
- ratio
A numeric value. The proportion ratio of branch B to branch A. This value is used to select branches(see Details). If there are no branches having exactly this ratio, the pair with the value closest to
will be selected.- adjB
A numeric value in [0, 1] (only for
“SS”), orNULL
, branch A and the selected part of branch B swap their proportions. If a numeric value, e.g. 0.1, then the counts for the selected part of branch B decreases to 10 the original value, and this decrease is added to branch A. For example, assume there are two experimental conditions (C1 & C2), branch A has a count of 10 and branch B has a count of 40 in C1. If adjB is set to 0.1, then in C2 branch B becomes 4 and branch A 46 so that the total count of the two branches stays the same.- pct
The percentage of leaves in branch B that have differential abundance under different conditions (only for scenario “SS”).
- nSam
A numeric vector of length 2, indicating the sample size for each of the two simulated conditions.
- mu, size
The parameters of the Negative Binomial distribution. (see mu and size in
). These parameters are used to generate the library size for each simulated sample. Ifsize
is not specified,mu
should be a vector of numbers from which the library size is sampled with replacement.- n
A numeric value to specify how many count tables would be generated with the same settings. The default is 1, i.e., one count table would be obtained at the end. If greater than 1, the output is a list of matrices.
A function to calculate the aggregated count at each internal node based on its descendant leaves (e.g.,
). The argument of the function should be a numeric vector with the counts of an internal node's descendant leaves.- message
A logical scalar, indicating whether progress messages should be printed to the console.
a TreeSummarizedExperiment object.
assays A list of count matrices, with entities in rows and samples in columns. Each row can be mapped to a node of the tree.
rowData Annotation data for the rows.
colData Annotation data for the columns.
rowTree The tree structure of entities.
rowLinks The link between rows and nodes on the tree.
metadata More details about the simulation.
FC the fold change of entities corresponding to the tree leaves.
Branch the information about two selected branches.
A The branch node label (or number) of branch A.
B The branch node label (or number) of branch B.
ratio The count proportion ratio of branch B to branch A.
A_tips The number of leaves on branch A.
B_tips The number of leaves on branch B.
A_prop The count proportion of branch A.
B_prop The count proportion of branch B.
Simulate a count table for entities which are corresponding to the
nodes of a tree. The entities are in rows and the samples from different
groups or conditions are in columns. The library size of each sample is
sampled from a Negative Binomial distribution with mean and size
specified by the arguments mu
and size
. The counts of
entities, that are mapped to the leaf nodes, in a sample are assumed
to follow a Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution. The parameters for
the Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution are estimated from a real data set
specified by data
via the function dirmult
). To generate different abundance patterns
under different conditions, we provide three different scenarios,
“BS”, “US”, and “SS” (specified via
BS: two branches are selected to swap their proportions, and leaves on the same branch have the same fold change.
US: two branches are selected to swap their proportions. Leaves in the same branch have different fold changes but same direction (either increase or decrease).
SS: two branches are selected. One branch has its proportion swapped with the proportion of some leaves from the other branch.
## Generate data to use as the starting point (this would usually be a
## real data set)
y <- matrix(rnbinom(120, size = 1, mu = 10), nrow = 10)
colnames(y) <- paste("S", seq_len(12), sep = "")
rownames(y) <- tinyTree$tip.label
toy_lse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment(rowTree = tinyTree,
assays = list(counts = y))
simData(obj = toy_lse, ratio = 2, scenario = "BS", pct = 0.5)
#> Iteration 1: Log-likelihood value: -2142.56163506266
#> Iteration 2: Log-likelihood value: -2140.22864492689
#> Iteration 3: Log-likelihood value: -2139.9586572514
#> Iteration 4: Log-likelihood value: -2139.95301764506
#> Iteration 5: Log-likelihood value: -2139.95301439773
#> class: TreeSummarizedExperiment
#> dim: 10 100
#> metadata(3): FC branch scenario
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(10): t2 t7 ... t5 t3
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(100): C1_1 C1_2 ... C2_49 C2_50
#> colData names(1): group
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> mainExpName: NULL
#> altExpNames(0):
#> rowLinks: a LinkDataFrame (10 rows)
#> rowTree: 1 phylo tree(s) (10 leaves)
#> colLinks: NULL
#> colTree: NULL