This function combines predicted junction coverages (from
) and observed junction coverages (obtained
from aligning the reads to the genome and counting the number of reads
spanning each junction). It also summarized transcript abundances on the gene
level and adds information about the number/fraction of uniquely mapping
reads and multimapping reads spanning each junction.
combineCoverages(junctionCounts, junctionPredCovs, txQuants)
A list with three elements:
object with predicted and observed junction coverages.
:A tibble
with estimated transcript
:A tibble
with summarized gene
Soneson C, Love MI, Patro R, Hussain S, Malhotra D, Robinson MD: A junction coverage compatibility score to quantify the reliability of transcript abundance estimates and annotation catalogs. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/378539 (2018)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
gtf <- system.file("extdata/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.90.chr22.gtf.gz",
package = "jcc")
bam <- system.file("extdata/reads.chr22.bam", package = "jcc")
biasMod <- fitAlpineBiasModel(gtf = gtf, bam = bam,
organism = "Homo_sapiens",
genome = Hsapiens, genomeVersion = "GRCh38",
version = 90, minLength = 230,
maxLength = 7000, minCount = 10,
maxCount = 10000, subsample = TRUE,
nbrSubsample = 30, seed = 1, minSize = NULL,
maxSize = 220, verbose = TRUE)
tx2gene <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/tx2gene.sub.rds", package = "jcc"))
predCovProfiles <- predictTxCoverage(biasModel = biasMod$biasModel,
exonsByTx = biasMod$exonsByTx,
bam = bam, tx2gene = tx2gene,
genome = Hsapiens,
genes = c("ENSG00000070371",
nCores = 1, verbose = TRUE)
txQuants <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/quant.sub.rds", package = "jcc"))
txsc <- scaleTxCoverages(txCoverageProfiles = predCovProfiles,
txQuants = txQuants, tx2gene = tx2gene,
strandSpecific = TRUE, methodName = "Salmon",
verbose = TRUE)
jcov <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/", package = "jcc"),
header = FALSE, = TRUE) %>%
setNames(c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "motif", "annot",
"uniqreads", "mmreads", "maxoverhang")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(strand = replace(strand, strand == 1, "+")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(strand = replace(strand, strand == 2, "-")) %>%
dplyr::select(seqnames, start, end, strand, uniqreads, mmreads) %>%
dplyr::mutate(seqnames = as.character(seqnames))
combCov <- combineCoverages(junctionCounts = jcov,
junctionPredCovs = txsc$junctionPredCovs,
txQuants = txsc$txQuants)
} # }