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dreval is an R package aimed at evaluation and comparison of reduced dimension representations of high-dimensional data. Given one or more reduced dimension representations, and a “reference” representation (which can be the original, high-dimensional representation or a baseline low-dimensional one), dreval will calculate a collection of metrics quantifying how well each of the evaluated representations recapitulates the structure of the observations in the reference representation.


To install dreval, you need the remotes (or devtools) R package, which can be installed from CRAN. The following commands installs first remotes, then dreval.



The input to dreval is a SingleCellExperiment object, containing one or more assays and one or more reduced dimension representation. By default, the logcounts assay will be used as the reference representation, against which each of the provided reduced dimension representations will be evaluated. However, any other assay or reduced dimension representation can be used as the reference data, by setting the arguments to the dreval() function accordingly.

The package contains a small example single-cell RNA-seq data set with measurements for approximately 1,800 highly variable genes across 2,700 PBMCs. The object contains eight reduced dimension representations: 25-dimensional PCA, 2-dimensional PCA, and 2-dimensional t-SNE and 2-dimensional UMAP representations generated with different values of the perplexity/number of nearest neighbors. We use the dreval() function to evaluate how well each of these retain the structure of the cells based on the logcounts assay.

dre <- dreval(sce = pbmc3ksub, refType = "assay",
              refAssay = "logcounts", nSamples = 1000, kTM = 50)

For detailed information about the arguments to dreval() we refer to the help page of the function:


The output of dreval() is a list with two elements, named scores and plots. The scores element is a data.frame with all the calculated evaluation scores for each of the reduced dimension representations, while the plots element is a list of diagnostic plots.

The plotRankSummary() function can be used to aggregate the information across all evaluation metrics. Each reduced dimension representation will be assigned a rank for each metric, and the sum of these ranks across all metrics, as well as the contribution from each metric, is visualized by the function. Metrics aimed at evaluating the preservation of global structure are colored blue, while those aimed at evaluating the preservation of local structure are colored red.

  • A python framework for reduced dimension representation evaluation was proposed by Heiser and Lau (2019). Code is available on GitHub. This study proposed to use the Mantel correlation between distance matrices, the Earth Mover’s Distance between distance distributions, and the percentage of total binary elements of the KNN matrix that are conserved as evaluation metrics.
  • The dimRed R package implements a collection of quality scores for reduced dimension representations, including Q_local, Q_global (based on the co-ranking matrix) and various correlation measures.
  • The quadra R package implements quality scores for reduced dimension representations based on preservation of neighborhoods and agreement with known labels.